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Heath Grayson

Ferrari 488 GTB Red

The United States is a huge market for exotic and luxury cars, and rightfully so. There are so many great cities to drive these cars in, and such a large population of successful businessmen and women that are here to enjoy them. What is better than driving a Ferrari or Lamborghini and parking it in the driveway for all the neighbors to see? Better yet, taking it out when there isn’t any traffic, putting the top down and letting the wind blow and the exhaust roar.

So what states in the U.S. have the most exotic cars? We take a look to see which five states have the best supercars roaming the streets.

1. California

California is no surprise to have heaps of nice cars driving around. Holding over 50% of the world’s celebrities, a dozen sports teams, and the tech capitol of the US, there is quite enough wealth to go around. If that wasn’t enough you have great weather and amazing driving roads down the coast.

2. Florida

Florida is quite smaller than California, but also has an amazingly high number of exotic and luxury cars thanks to cities like Miami that are an international hot spot. You will find about as many brightly colored supercars in Florida, as you will palm trees.

3. Texas

Texas undoubtedly has one of the largest supercar markets. It may not have an ocean to drive by but there is ton’s going on in the supercar world to keep people busy. Houston Coffee and Cars is one of the largest monthly car gatherings in the United States. Also if you are into driving with other car enthusiasts, companies like RATX (Race Armada Texas) and Park Up Front put on several driving events per year that bring excitement to the streets. You also have ecurie25 Supercar Club that has a membership club where members have access to a whole collection of supercars with their subscription, just as you do with a company like net-jets. Texas has one of the quickest growing supercar communities currently.

4. New York

Despite having a very cold winter, New York has one of the largest populations of exotic and luxury cars in the United States. It houses some of the largest companies, movie stars, and it is the home to many of the rich and famous of Wall Street. Driving through NYC, or kicking it outside to the countryside, there are plenty of beautiful cars in New York.

5. Nevada

Nevada, or should I just say Las Vegas, has a huge scene for supercars. Specifically down the strip you can expect to see all kinds of cars parked in front of the casinos, making trips out into the canyon roads, or pulling up to some desert mansions. Las Vegas is also a huge destination for many tourists coming to drive a nice car while in town, and a destination hot-spot for car rallies like Gold Rush that are looking to end with the ultimate after party.


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