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Heath Grayson

From Land to Sea

Automakers and famed automotive designers have taken it upon themselves to step outside the world of vehicular creation lately, and while some produce private jets, others are trying their hand at a luxury yacht. Mercedes-Benz revealed its Arrow460-Granturismo motor yacht concept this week off the coast of Nice, France where the water is wet and the air is abundant.

Mercedes Benz Arrow 460

Mercedes Benz Yacht

The German automaker calls it the “Silver Arrow of the Seas,” and claims it combines the performance of the brand’s most potent sports cars with the boat industry’s latest innovations. If you look carefully, the yacht even has car-like proportions. The 46-foot-long Arrow460 is propelled by a 960 horsepower motor and can comfortably accommodate 10 people. The yacht’s large side windows can retract and feature adjustable windscreens so occupants can feel like they’re brave enough to sit outside while actually nestled within the Arrow’s cabin.

In calm waters, the Arrow460 cruises at 28 to 30 knots, which in English translates, to about 46 miles per hour with a light load. In stormy seas, you’ll probably wish you were on a freighter. However, freighters don’t typically come with air conditioning, a high-quality audio system, a wine cellar, ice-maker, and all the other luxury accommodations this one does.

Bon Voyage!

View More of the Mercedes Benz Arrow 460

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